Monday, May 12, 2014

Live Life As If Everything Is Rigged In MY Favor - Rumi

When I painted this, I was remembering Breast Cancer Awareness Day 2009/2010 in Victoria, BC, Canada, where all sorts of bras were hung on wires all over the city centre.  That and my own “bad hair day” banner was a remind to live my life without caring about what others thought about me.

Today, the quote that most touched me is this one from Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday interview with Arianna Huffington, founder of the “Huffington Post”:

"Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor." -Rumi. This is my favorite quote! #SuperSoulSunday #Thrive

It is so easy to say, “This and that happened to me, and I don’t know what to do now.”  And then I get stuck.

Yesterday, I realised that actually, I always “ask” of things happening in life as “How would this affect my work in the future?”
Or “Would A or B be the best choice towards working for what I want in the future?”
For goodness sake, I am a spiritual director/coach!  And yet, I still plan my life like a “career” move.
Bad habits really die hard.

So yesterday, in an AHA moment, I began to ask myself “If I want to do this now, such as move to California, why don’t I just do it and enjoy the moment!”
Major “duh!”

Today, I remind myself that I WANT to live in the present moment and enjoy it.
Something inside me has been wanting to go to California for months.  Rationally, I don’t know why.  But this has happened before.  I wanted to go to England a year before I finally bought the air ticket and it became one of the greatest gifts in my life.

Besides, if the other choice is to stay in England, where I really don’t like the cold anymore, then my body craves for sunnier, warmer climates :)

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