Monday, May 5, 2014

Gratitude in Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit

Mon, May 5
It is only right that I begin my art journalling with Gratitude.

The Chinese character means "Thank you" or "Gratitude"
 It is made up of 3 words:
 = words
 = body / actions
 = measure / thoughts
 Therefore, this painting represents Gratitude in words, actions and thoughts

Taking time to feel Gratitude in mind, body and spirit here and now.
Breathing in Gratitude.
Feeling Gratitude in my heart.
Hmm…what does it feel like?
Like an elusive perfume that I can’t quite name as yet.
Like sunshine on my face
Warm, despite it being a cold morning.
Like love in my heart that glows and grows.
Like incense, the smell and feel of it.
Light, elusive and heaven-ward.

My heart reaches out to Yours
And feel You in me
Beating as one.
Breathing as one.

This morning, I also heard from a friend E, who shared that her schedule is full this month.
There’s an uncomfortable feeling in me as I think of my own “empty” schedule this month.
There’s an itch, a petulant voice saying that I too wish my schedule had “something” in it.
Or why did these other people who contacted her, not contact me to work with them?
Not quite jealous, and not quite envious.
But definitely a bit of both plus a dose of “poor me”.

But then I gently asked my mind—do you miss any of that work?
The honest answer is No.

So how can I lovingly let go of work that, while noble and good, was no longer life-giving for me personally.
That I don’t miss it may be a sign that there are other things for me to do.
Things that are also good (not necessarily noble) but gives me life, and allows me to be more fully present to others at the same time.

You are your True Self when you already live in heaven in the here and now (something that I paraphrased from Richard Rohr’s “Immortal Diamond”, which I am reading today)

I know this isn’t the only way it can be.  Cause I have seen it another way.
I have seen, and known, and felt love.
(Tracy McMillan and Oprah on Super Soul Sunday)
This made me think of all the retreat centres that I have lived and worked in.  I am grateful that for me personally, the first was the most loving, most enriching and inclusive.

And the sacred stories of pain and suffering that our directees tell us. 
Some of which was shocking to me. 
I never knew such experiences exist.
Especially in cultures so different from mine. 
The fact that truth was told is powerful. 
Because when it is only when we become aware that we (individually and as a whole of humanity) can begin to heal. 
Even if her story never goes beyond the two of us.
Issues come up so that they can begin to be healed.

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